California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM)

What is CalAIM?

The California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) program, a five-year $6 billion initiative which began in January 2022, uses state contracted managed care plans (MCPs) to rebalance long term support and services (LTSS) and streamline care delivery to Medi-Cal recipients. CalAIM will pave the way for statewide Managed Long Term Support and Services (MLTSS) by 2027. For more information about CalAIM see the Department of Health Services webpage and CalAIM information graphic.

CalAIM has two components: Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and In Lieu of Service (ILOS), referred to in California as Community Supports (CS). ECM will address clinical and nonclinical needs of the highest-cost and -need enrollees through intensive coordination of health and health-related services. CS gives MCPs the option of offering eligible members at the SNF level of care alternatives “in lieu of” expensive state plan services (e.g., Medi-Cal payments to SNFs). The expectation is ECM and CS will enable MCPs to provide medically appropriate and cost-efficient quality care, offer home and community based service (HCBS) alternatives to skilled nursing facilities (SNF) and save state and federal Medicaid dollars by reducing unnecessary hospital admissions, emergency department visits and SNF long-term placement. The MCPs offering ECM and CS will vary from county to county and not every ECM or CS will be available to every MCP member in a county.

Enhanced Care Management (ECM)

ECM is a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to provide comprehensive case management for clinical and non-clinical needs for high need Medi-Cal recipients. ECM will replace the Whole Person Care and Health Homes Program.

The goals of ECM include: improving care coordination, Integrating services, facilitating community resources, improving health outcomes, addressing social determinants of health and  decreasing inappropriate utilization.

Community Supports (CS)

CS are optional services offered by MCPs that could help members avoid or provide a substitute to hospital or SNF admission, discharge delays and emergency department use.

CalAIM MCPs have the option of picking and choosing which CS to offer their members. A MCP has the option of offering or discontinuing a CS every six months.

The 14 allowable CS include:

  1. Housing Transition Navigation Services

  2. Housing Deposits

  3. Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services

  4. Short-Term Post-Hospitalization Housing

  5. Recuperative Care (Medical Respite)

  6. Day Habilitation Programs

  7. Caregiver Respite Services

  8. Nursing Facility Diversion/Transition to Assisted Living Facilities

  9. Community Transition Services/Nursing Facility Transition to a Home

  10. Personal Care and Homemaker Services

  11. Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home Modifications)

  12. Medically Supportive Food/Meals/Medically Tailored Meals

  13. Sobering Centers

  14. Asthma Remediation

Connections is a contracted Community Support Provider for some CalAIM Managed Care Plans in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties for Nursing Facility Transition/Diversion to Assisted Living. See the application and instructions at the CalAIM CS Referral Package.